Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just One Scene

My hands gripped the wheel. I glossed my lower lip with my tongue. I relaxed my hands on the wheel. I wiped my hand on my pants leg.

Air forced its way out of my chest. I was not the only one breathing heavy, though. A side glance. Were we ready for this?

A weak smile formed on my face, "It's like a child trying to walk, that's all it is.

But they do fall in the process." I added grimly.

Images of twisted metal imprinted themselves on my brain. Being sixteen was not as easy as I thought it was going to be.

I pushed my brown hair back. I shifted to drive. I pushed the gas.

My driving adventure had begun!


saved monster said...

Ok, the part in quotes is really what the sixteen year old is thinking, NOT saying...just wanted to clarify.

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Oh, the driving experience. Oh, the wet lips. Oh, the deep breaths. Oh, how many times can I say Oh. Tee Hee!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Can you guess who voted for the other world thing?

Araken said...

Aren't thoughts italicized?

saved monster said...

Yes, but I copied the scene from what I wrote on paper. I can't italcize my hand writing, or I really don't want to make the effort. :)

Anyway, like the dork that I am, I copied exactly what I had on my paper, including quotations. hehehehe...